Products >> Roller bit >>
Replaceable Roller bit
- Product No.:20211213222727
8 1/2 Replaceable roller bits
Roller bit is a kind of cut pick use in deep foundation drilling work, it usually installed in core barrel, suite for very hard rock layer drilling.
When you start a doundation deep foundation work such as bored pile, pillar, drill shaft, cassion pile work, the layer is very hard
drilling use bullet teeth, roller bit will be a best option.
Our roller bit have two type, one type no holder, is not replaceable type, direct welding on drilling tools(core barrel). Another type is replaceable type,
it has holder welding on drilling tools(core barrel), can replace the roller bit easily.
Products Category
- Casing Oscillator
- Cluster Drills
- Casing
- Kelly Bar
- Micro pile drilling system
- CFA Auger
- Drilling Bucket
- Core Barrel
- Belling Bucket
- Full Displacement Tools
- Desander
- CMP Rolling Machine
- Roller bit
- RCD Drilling System
- Hammer Grab
- Diaphragm Wall Grab
- Tremie Pipes
- Vibroflotation Equipment
- RC Drilling rod
- Drilling Auger
- Multi-Shaft Auger Machine
- Cutter pick
- Pile Breaker
- Hydraulic vibratory hammer
Contact Us
Tel: +86 10 57133886
Fax: +86 10 82893390
E-mail: [email protected]
Add: No.3-1-1904, Zhujiangmoer International Building, Beiqinglu road, Changping distict, Beijing, PRC